Kotuwa Kade Shopping Centre i Matara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaKotuwa Kade Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Matara, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 412 236 800
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Latitude: 5.944994, Longitude: 80.545283

kommentar 5

  • Pubudu Lakshitha

    Pubudu Lakshitha


    All in one shopping experience for discounted prices for allmost all items.parking space is available in the back can be access via kumarathunga munidasa mawatha also known as old galle road.finding the enterence can be bit tricky.its right in frontof the secend gate of bank of ceylon and next to mohotti hospital.sufficient counters available for easy checkout.

  • abdul muees

    abdul muees


    It is a shop.you can get lot of item in this place. But price is high

  • Dakshina Shakya

    Dakshina Shakya


    Good place to buy everything from electrical goods to clothing items. Prices are lower compared other similar places in the city. Crowded in the festival season. Parking limited near the shop so better to park elsewhere and visit.

  • Gayashan Vidusha

    Gayashan Vidusha


    Good place for shopping.Lot of collection available for your choice.Crowded place in the festival season.

  • en

    L L C P Perera


    Different kinds of things available here. Prices are conveniently low. Orientation ventilation seating drinking water facilities poor. Helping kindly speaking poor. Sometimes toilets are closed

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