La Passion i Malabe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaLa Passion



🕗 åbningstider

Malabe, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 759 2259
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Latitude: 6.906208, Longitude: 79.9477428

kommentar 5

  • TheArc core

    TheArc core


    Good salon. Hit or miss if you tell your regular barber to give you the same hair cut he gave previous to you. So be sure to tell them exactly how to cut it or they'll mess it up

  • en

    Hasini Wanigasekera


    I went to their Malabe's branch for a cleanup last Saturday. Charged more than what was in their book and refused to pay my balance. When I asked about it, they said they did a facial instead of a cleanup, which I never asked them to do. The girl insisted that I pay more and the guy scolded me when I asked them for the balance. Very unprofessional and I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone.

  • Lasith Gunawardana

    Lasith Gunawardana


    Price is too high. Staff is not skillful. They working on hair cuts their own way. Not happy with that

  • Sukumal Harischandra

    Sukumal Harischandra


    Stuffs about hair and things.

  • Videha Dhothaka

    Videha Dhothaka


    Not the best salon. They are over priced. The hair cutting is average.

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