Lake View Comfort Bungalow i Nuwara Eliya

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Sri LankaLake View Comfort Bungalow



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104/4, Peradeniya-Badulla-Chenkaladi Highway, 22200, Nuwara Eliya, Nuwara Eliya, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 275 5971
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.952317, Longitude: 80.782642

kommentar 5

  • Lasantha Kanchuka Abeysinghe

    Lasantha Kanchuka Abeysinghe


    That was a best hotel in Nuwara Eliya. Not only one thing, that was a better place in all round. Because that hotel at the hill top in front of the Gregory lake. The name of the hotel is most suitable for that. Because we can enjoy beautiful view of the lake. Otherwise place most valuable than the price. I mean that was a good price. Upper rooms has nice view. Foods and specialty the gave grate service. Friendly people work in there. Long vehicle cannot reach that place. But it has enough parking space for about 4 or 5 cars. Specially the person who contact me, is a friendly. Specially Goole map helps me to find that place. Thank you...

  • Imran Kamal

    Imran Kamal


    A bit difficult to reach but amazing location. Staff are quite friendly but the view is breathtaking

  • swathi ardhini

    swathi ardhini


    Beautiful and exotic. Great food and very nice staff.

  • Aashish Nandalike

    Aashish Nandalike


    This place is very well placed. The rooms are above average. However the staff made up for it with some great treatment. The best Indian food we had in SriLanka.




    I would like to give answer to Mr JK D. He says don't go anyone to this place. Sorry for everyone. I am Highly recommend this place very beautiful lake view and very nice room too. Yes they are charge for Heater. Because some of people don't like use heater. I have been to this place many times with my Clients. They were very happy with this place.and staff also very friendly and food also very nice. Road little not good it is not hotel fault. I would like to say something for all Five fingers not same size.

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