Laya Beach Hotel i Wadduwa

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Sri LankaLaya Beach Hotel



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286/3, Galle Road, 12560, Wadduwa, Kalutara, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 382 232 815
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.6786615, Longitude: 79.919969

kommentar 5

  • en

    Navin Perera


    The place is worn out, used to be quite nice 7-8 years back. Rooms are quite basic. They have a pool. Close to the beach. But honestly, if you are thinking of staying overnight, i suggest you check other options. Beachfront is fine though there's quite a bit of litter and the beach sand is almost black...

  • Leon Tyler

    Leon Tyler


    Had a good time room service was very good and rooms were very nice

  • Ramal Weerakkody

    Ramal Weerakkody


    The pools was great and the quality of food is avaerage. Food is somewhat worth the price as we ordered from their menu. The beach view is really great and the the hotel is spacious enough to play a cricket match.

  • en

    Nachiket Kulkarni


    Beautiful Hotel located at a good place. Equidistant from Bentota and Colombo. This place has a private beach which is well maintained. The food is decent. Also a few places to eat nearby. Overall had a pleasant stay here

  • en

    Chess Tragedy


    Great food. Has a warm pool. 30 rooms of 2 levels and nice staff. Rooms have air conditioning and also has nice toilets. I don't think you get free WiFi though which is unfortunate.

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