Life Food i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaLife Food



🕗 åbningstider

61, Perahera Mawatha, 00200, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 117 225 433
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Latitude: 6.9162229, Longitude: 79.8531352

kommentar 5

  • Larkin Crain

    Larkin Crain


    Great service and lunch. The Lankan hero was a favorite choice. The food came quickly and the prices are reasonable. The sitting area has a great view of the lake and is air conditioned.

  • en

    Swetik G


    A real one! Healthy and delicious. If you are vegan the guys will help you with the menu. The fresh juices and smoothies are amazing and huge. And don’t forget to go upstairs to enjoy the view. A really cute place.

  • Yohanna Dharmakirti

    Yohanna Dharmakirti


    Atmosphere and food is great! The Saigon special won my heart! Its a must try 😀 The team could be better behaved. Overall it was Amazing! ♡

  • shashika samarasinghe

    shashika samarasinghe


    Did a transaction 5 months ago.. They punched my credit card twice. Bank did not.reverse my transaction but no friendly response from owner though... So I was charged twice... Anyway good place to hang out.. Good healthy food though..

  • Chamathka Himashini

    Chamathka Himashini


    Food was mouth wateringly delicious and worth the price...with the added benefit of being comparatively more nutritious and healthy than in most other cafes in Colombo. Loved the variety the menu offered. Had a great experience. Will definitely be visiting again. Only point for improvement would be customer service - specifically, engagement of the staff... I would have given a 5 star if they were a bit more friendly and welcoming... but the food and ambience made up for that ... so I'm not complaining too much :)

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