Lord of the Forest i Kallady

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Sri LankaLord of the Forest


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199, Kallady, Batticaloa, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 657 508 108
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Latitude: 7.7544598, Longitude: 81.6937752

kommentar 5

  • en

    Александр Кудряшов


    Good place with original house on a river. BUT: there was not swimming pool (only river). Water near the beach was dirty. A lot of ants were in the room. Water from bathroom came to the room. In the end I received a bill with bigger amount that I expected at 30%! Manager tried to cheat me. Check the bill before payment!

  • en

    subashini prathaban


    Worst food I've ever had. Common Washrooms were not clean at all. Charged more than the actual estimate. Not worth the price paid.

  • Pathum Sachethana

    Pathum Sachethana


    I have no words to describe,wonderful experience i ever had.great customer sevice provided by Mr.Gamage and all other staff members.super delicious foods.calm & tranquil place.Have lot of things to do in here.

  • en

    kabi shanth


    இது ஒரு உல்லாச இடமாகும் இங்கு மகி‌ழ்சியாக இருக்கக்கூடிய இடமுமாகும் It is a place where you can enjoy the beauty of the place

  • Dinuka Salwathura

    Dinuka Salwathura


    Very beautiful beach and the pine trees.. The only set of pine trees I have seen in Sri Lanka on a beach.

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