Mars Hotel i තංගල්ල

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaMars Hotel


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Beach Road, තංගල්ල, භම්ඛන්තොට, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 472 241 508
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.0268802, Longitude: 80.7960588

kommentar 5

  • roger chiaw

    roger chiaw


    Clean and comfortable rooms in a good location. But more care need to be taken to the property. We had a leaking ceiling and the solution was a pail and some towels. No mentioned of a change of room. Internet connection is the biggest issue, it goes off for hours. And we’re told they had only one modem to arrive 2 floors. Not sure that’s the truth as I gathered it’s more a case of being stingy about the electricity of connectivity as I can see the modem is clearly unplugged or switched off. Laundry too is calculated as per item, so not the most economical. And the breakfast (which you have to pay) is rubbish.

  • Tony Fürderer

    Tony Fürderer


    Vom Dach/Frühstücksraum hat man einen atemberaubenden Blick. Zimmer eigentlich sauber, bis auf das Bad, da könnte es noch besser sein.

  • Ranga Wickramasooriya

    Ranga Wickramasooriya


    Good place

  • Daniel Strebel

    Daniel Strebel


    Centrally located with a stunning beach in walking distance. Rooms are functional and clean.

  • de

    Maria Endres


    Die Zimmer sind sehr schön und sauber, der Blick von der Terrasse auf Palmen und Meer einfach wunderbar und das Personal zusammen mit dem rührigen Hotelmanager stets freundlich und hilfsbereit!

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