Michelle Boutique Hotel i Balapitiya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaMichelle Boutique Hotel


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A2, 80550, Balapitiya, Galle, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 912 254 430
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Latitude: 6.2633476, Longitude: 80.0365832

kommentar 5

  • Pradeep Gamage

    Pradeep Gamage


    Good place to be .. excellent food and friendly management

  • en

    mohammed jaufer mohammed hafis


    Super hotel excellent view and with beach side dinning. One of the best beach places to stay in down south.

  • en

    Sandun Sulakshana


    Amazing sea view and good hospitality

  • Sachith Vidanapathirana

    Sachith Vidanapathirana


    They are disorganised and do not communicate properly. They booked over an existing booking without informing us. The good thing is they refunded. But, we didn't have a pleasant experience with the staff who wanted to stuff 4 people in a double room. Also, in spite of good reviews, the place seems to be in need of maintenance.

  • Sahan Prabudda

    Sahan Prabudda


    A good hotel with a nice sea view more than 180 degrees. But the hotel is built half on the land and other half on the rock on beach. That makes difficult of entering to the beach. They have a some kind of staircase to the beach but they built it on the wrong side of the hotel. The price is bit expensive also. Anyway if you want to get relax with sunset and sea view it is a good hotel for you to stay couple of days.

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