MillenniumIT Software (Pvt) Ltd i Malabe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaMillenniumIT Software (Pvt) Ltd



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01 Millennium Drive, Malabe, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 416 000
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.921485, Longitude: 79.960685

kommentar 5

  • Bimal Palamakumbura

    Bimal Palamakumbura


    One of the best place to work in sri Lanka. "MillenniumIT (known as Millennium Information Technologies or MIT) is a Sri Lanka-based information technology firm that specialises in electronic trading systems, systems integration services including IT infrastructure and consultation services,[2]and is headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka. It has been a fully owned technology business sector of London Stock Exchange Group since 2009."

  • Lolitha Ratnayake

    Lolitha Ratnayake


    Used to be my home away from home. But recently they have depricated the quality. So sad.

  • Praneeth Nilanga Peiris

    Praneeth Nilanga Peiris


    One of the best software companies in the world with a large campus-type environment. The environment is maintained according to the green concepts. There is a gym, swimming pool, badminton and squash courts, a basketball court and a large play ground.

  • Binod Madhubashitha

    Binod Madhubashitha


    IT related company where buildings are created on beautiful landscapes. Well managed area.

  • en

    Nuwantha Dewappriya


    nice place. good culture . there is a big car park, gym , swimming pool ,big play ground , cafe and sport centre. good place for software engineers.

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