Nalagana Falls නලඟන ඇල්ල i Kegalle

Sri LankaNalagana Falls නලඟන ඇල්ල


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Kegalle, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 7.0999565, Longitude: 80.3867831

kommentar 5

  • Tharindu Dilshan

    Tharindu Dilshan


    Majestic waterfall in Dedugala area. (40m) Pretty dangerous as the water level can be increased rapidly without any notice. Diversity rich riverine vegetation can be observed. But the path is not much clear towards the falls. You have to take the road at a bend of the main road towards a mini hydro plant.(There is a board saying Nalagana Falls) Then about 150m you have to take the road to the left at a clear U bend near a house. After a few meters take the road to the left side. The road ends at an abandoned mill. Then take the foot path to the right side and cilmb down to the river. You will see the falls.

  • en

    Sameera Samarabandu


    Very beautiful waterfall. You can enjoy the nature. Can bathe and take your meals.

  • chamudi perera

    chamudi perera


    Beautiful place to visit ❤️

  • waruna abeykoon

    waruna abeykoon


    A beautiful waterfall. Little bit travel through the estates and jungle included. There is a small power station nearby. And the ruins of British built Power station is still there near tha falls

  • Sidath Sanjeewa

    Sidath Sanjeewa


    Best waterfall I've ever visited. It is very hard to get near to waterfall. But it is a whole new world. Be cautious. Rocks are slippery, water level may be suddenly increase when hydropower plant is not taking water.

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