Nanu Oya Railway Station i Nanuoya

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Sri LankaNanu Oya Railway Station


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Avissawella-Hatton-Nuwara Eliya Highway, 22150, Nanuoya, Nuwara Eliya, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 522 222 873
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.9424171, Longitude: 80.7437145

kommentar 5

  • Imran Iyne

    Imran Iyne


    A place with a natural beauty.if you are getting to nuwaraeliya the railway station that you need to get down and to travel 5km distance from the point

  • en

    Shana Rajah


    This old style trainstation serves huge crowd everyday. One of the main spot for the foreigners. Surrounded with tea estate. Nice view for nature lovers. Passengers waiting area needs to be renovated for public use. Need some improvements to serve better.

  • Ayesha Khan

    Ayesha Khan


    It’s was best experience but the problem was when we buy the tickets to was to crowd in train 🚂 because u buy the ticket same times u will not get the set for setting it will be crowded with local people’s and many more countries people’s if u want to enjoy the. All way just buy the tickets before one day and I love it and I enjoy even in crowds but anyone have children so please don’t do that mistake thank you 🙏🏻

  • Kithsiri Niwunhella

    Kithsiri Niwunhella


    Beautiful place. Last station when going to Nuwara Elliya by train then you have to take land root

  • Namila Bandara

    Namila Bandara


    One of main station in badulla track. This station is the closest station to nuwara eliya town.

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