பழைய பூங்கா Old Park Old Park i Jaffna

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Sri Lankaபழைய பூங்கா Old Park Old Park



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Jaffna, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 9.660109, Longitude: 80.0282054

kommentar 5

  • Ramanan Elango

    Ramanan Elango


    Better to spend time with kids. But need some maintenance.

  • sam hensman

    sam hensman


    Even though it is useful for the kids, the equipments are not properly maintained. Children of all age group use the sliders meant for children under 5 years. Therefore sometimes the grown ups hurt the small ones. The sand in the play area is not maintained or purified. Therefore children may get infected, if we do not take extreme care of them after play time. Other than that, it's a cheapest and soacious place for a relaxed evening and a refreshing morning!

  • en

    Singh Singh


    Not so big Less crowded Well maintained

  • ANBU J

    ANBU J


    The Old Park is redesign of previous old park which had ancient mahogany trees and house of thousands of bats. Now, this park turned into a children's park. It is well maintained and child friendly up to the time of this review written.

  • Mukunthan Sriskantharajah

    Mukunthan Sriskantharajah


    It's a biggest park for boss. For last 2 years before some parts of the area rehabilitated and opened as Children park. Some other parts of the areas contains Government Offices (Jaffna Divisional Secretariat, Survey Department, Ceylon Electricity Board, National Water Supply and Drainage Board Tower Site, Training Division of Northern Province & etc.....)

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