Peacock Beach Hotel i Hambantota

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Sri LankaPeacock Beach Hotel


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Hambantota, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 472 220 159
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.133368, Longitude: 81.13152

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kapila Dissanayake


    There is nice beach behind the hotel.

  • en

    Rosmin Hizama


    Fairly good can make more outdoor activities like tennis courts. Since they have more space a children's park also will be of course have to improve a lot.can increase the varieties. Staffs and the services r good.

  • en

    Nishreen Jaufer


    Not at all worth the money. To make a long story short, staff are very unfriendly and aloof, rooms are pretty basic. Our A/C didn’t work well, the electric kettle was broken. The infinity pool was a very small affair, almost like a pond. The other pool was dry. A whole horde of insects invaded our room at night, when we opened the doors. A very quiet location. Breakfast was tolerable.

  • Chrishan Pereira

    Chrishan Pereira


    Peacock Beach Hotel is now progressing compared to it's past and with the new management things are getting better. One of the central locations in Hambantota with nice average sized pool, fancy roof restaurant and decent rooms.

  • en

    Chris R


    This hotel is quite nice. A peaceful environment without too much rushing around. The beach is spectacular with brown, black and red sand. The sand is a soft, dine consistency. The beach is private so many times you have the opportunity just to have it be you and the ocean. The rooms are nicely appointed and quite comfortable. The staff are very polite and accomodating to you specific needs.

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