Pelwehera Village Resort i Dambulla

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Sri LankaPelwehera Village Resort



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Bulagala Junction, Habarana Road, Dambulla 21120, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 662 284 281
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.903621, Longitude: 80.66936

kommentar 5

  • Pavi thran

    Pavi thran


    Nice cozy and hustle free place. The place itself is very calm and peaceful. The welcome drink to checkout it was an amazing experience staying at this hotel. We did a mistake by booking only the room , expecting the breakfast to be bad which turned out to be a very big regret. Book rooms with breakfast which you will not regret. Amazing staff with so many cute warmth. They help you through everything you want to do in dambulla. Rooms are tidy , neat and clean. Prices are very cheap compared to many hotels in dambulla with so much of facilities. Swimming pool is not that deep, it is a nice place to chill though. The gardens are well maintained. Food is little expensive which you can manage outside since you will be spending most of the time in visiting places. A good place to stay at this range.

  • Jon Liu

    Jon Liu


    Rooms basic but clean. Older facilities but nice property. Not much to do outside the property. Breakfast is buffet style and nothing special. Didn't have a chance to try the pool but it looked nice. Good overnight rooms for drivers.

  • David Clarke

    David Clarke


    An excellent stay. I enjoyed the intertwining of forest elements at this resort. The buffet was expansive, even more so with it being Christmas. The cotton bud Snowman and Baby Jesus diorama were genius! Lovely staff.

  • Jigme dorjay tamang

    Jigme dorjay tamang


    awesome experience .ambience, food, staff hospitality all excellent. if you are looking for a holiday with wellness and fitness then this is the place to choose in Dambulla, Sri lanka. Many choices in the breakfast, lunch, dinner menu. Buffet system so the choice is yours. From Vegetarian to Non vegetarian food all is available. spacious rooms.

  • Patricia Zaharia

    Patricia Zaharia


    Nice clean rooms. Staff is exceptionally friendly and helpful. Great dinner buffet. Bedrooms are sometimes noisy because of traffic. Wifi signal is poor. Overall a very pleasant stay at this hotel.

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