POWER WORLD Fitness Centres i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaPOWER WORLD Fitness Centres



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521, Galle Road, 10400, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 649 700
internet side: lk.powerworldgyms.com
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Latitude: 6.7935392, Longitude: 79.8870799

kommentar 5

  • Nithaparan Francis

    Nithaparan Francis


    Enough space for workout. After 6 pm very crowded. Other times okay. Decent people. Bars and benches are not enough during crowded times. So it will be better if there is more benches and bars.

  • Kasun Dahanayake

    Kasun Dahanayake


    Fabulous gym.. But a bit crowded at peak times

  • Muditha Colombage

    Muditha Colombage


    Cheap membership. Reasonably equipped. Very hot inside. Closed on Sundays and after 10pm.

  • Philip Mithun

    Philip Mithun


    Good gym to work out but would be great if more equipment like the squat machine was added.. and a little better washing area as there is no place to hang the clothes inside the wash room.. Other than that, pretty good place!

  • en

    Kaveesha Munasinghe


    Good Gym chain to join in there are many more around Colombo city and really cheap comparing to other gyms in this caliber

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