Sagopearl Guest i මිරිස්ස

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Sri LankaSagopearl Guest


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Sisira Kumara Galappaththi, Ranawiru Mawatha, Maradana, Mirissa(Palmview Guest Past 8m İnside), මිරිස්ස 81740, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 78 850 1509
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Latitude: 5.9508256, Longitude: 80.4561669

kommentar 5

  • en

    Korbinian Kreutzarek


    Probably the best place we've been in Sri Lanka. The owner is really friendly and tries to help you where ever she can. We extended our stay to 6 nights and always got a different and really delicious breakfast!

  • nipun kanishka

    nipun kanishka


    lovely place. nice people

  • en

    Byron Blaker


    A fantastic guesthouse! The owners are lovely,very friendly and helpful. The breakfasts are fantastic, truly delicious. The location is great, a quick walk down to the harbour to go whale watching or to the beach to soak up the tropical sun. We loved our time here and would definitely return.

  • en

    Jono Lim


    One of the most humble and welcoming guest houses on Sri Lanka. Run by such a lovely family. Also very close to beach. Please tip them if you feel the same when leaving. They deserve it so much.

  • Ruki de Silva

    Ruki de Silva


    Amazing hospitality and food. The family is extremely helpful and kind and non-intrusive, which adds to the relaxed experience. Cheap accommodation with great value for money.

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