Sai Sea City Hotel i Wellwatta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSai Sea City Hotel


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27, 40th Lane, 00600, Wellwatta, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 364 027
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.8676486, Longitude: 79.8591727

kommentar 5

  • en

    William Castillo


    Freindly staff , visitor should come on the room not only in the lobby

  • Hansika Rodrigo

    Hansika Rodrigo


    when call reception they can not speak Sinhalese or not even proper English. after getting the same information reception person could't do the booking. then sinhala person spoke and he said in sinhala, if you want come, come if not get lost. very bad place.

  • en

    Janaka Perera


    Comes with basic accommodation facilities for a reasonable price. You cant expect more than that for what is provided. But hotel is in a good location for tourists

  • en

    Salahuddin Ahmed


    Great view of sea, had earthquake feelings while train passes. May all hotels have both on marine drive. I stayed a night only. Rooms have good space, but cleanness was not up to mark. Being cheaper (LK Rs. 6,000 per night) worth money.

  • Suresh Rathnayaka

    Suresh Rathnayaka


    Amazing View from all the Rooms.. Nice food and Breakfast .. good service..

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