Salon Okroo i Nugegoda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSalon Okroo


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Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 71 488 1759
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Latitude: 6.8728223, Longitude: 79.8886453

kommentar 5

  • en

    Priyangika Wijewardena


  • en

    Sunali Yatagama


    If you like being treated badly or better yet having to pay money for it, go here for a quick disasterous haircut. I explained to the owner of the salon how I wanted a an inverted Lob along with photos. And to my horror he had cut an inverted V with the shortest being at my nape instead of medium length as I had asked. Then I gave him specific instructions on how to save the cut to look presentable and ended up with a very odd looking inverted bob. This place must be good for standard layers and trims but I wouldn’t recommend trying anything that’s less than a decade old here.

  • Amila Uduwanage

    Amila Uduwanage


  • Kalhara N.

    Kalhara N.


    Good place

  • Shane Shantol

    Shane Shantol


    I got a nice hair cut. good service

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