Saskia Fernando Gallery i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSaskia Fernando Gallery



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41, Horton Place, 00700, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 117 429 010
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Latitude: 6.9117098, Longitude: 79.8686004

kommentar 5

  • Dasuni Bandara

    Dasuni Bandara


    Good place for the people who love art and also they have more than 1000 of art pieces in their inventory other than the on going exhibition so better place to purchase Sri Lankan contemporary arts.

  • Asmita Duranjaya

    Asmita Duranjaya


    A wonderful small art gallery with monthly changing exhibitions, which are introduced by an opening party with catering.

  • en

    B P_e


    Fantastic gallery. Small. But great.. other reviews are highly misleading.

  • Muaz Usman

    Muaz Usman


    A centre for contemporary Sri Lankan art which has ample open space to view arts in.

  • en

    Serry Junaid


    Was there recently and noticed that the local lady was very polite and professional. However, the white woman just made it her job description to ignore people of colour, as she was only greeting the fair-skinned customers. We've been visiting this place every time we visit SrLanka and noticed that Ms SaskiZ herself was very professional and polite. Must say this white lady is a deterrent to happy purchases.

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