Sharon Inn i Kandy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSharon Inn


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Saranankara Road, Kandy, Kandy, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 7.287229, Longitude: 80.6421159

kommentar 5

  • Simon Streit

    Simon Streit


    Lofty thin building. Great vegetarian curry buffet. Meat option available. Reserve ahead.

  • Tim Blombery

    Tim Blombery


    Excellent hotel. Very well run, with big clean rooms. Everything you want looked after by the team running it. Breakfasts and dinners great. Location good too, just a short walk into Kandy town

  • Carol Buitrago

    Carol Buitrago


    We visited this place because of recommendation of the lonely planet to dine. Good: food was tasty and not very spicy Bad: It was heavily overpriced. Not enough food to repeat if wanted. The charge of the beer was ridiculous (600 Rs, when everywhere else was charged at max 350 Rs). We have to wait over one hour for the food to be ready. There was a line to pay after dinner was over. I would never recommend this to any one, you can get way better food and attention for a lot less

  • Laura Jenkinson

    Laura Jenkinson


    We only went for food - but it was so good!! They call it a “buffet” but that makes it sound a bit canteen style - in actual fact they prepare loads of nice food (mainly Sri Lankan vegetarian curry) and you go up when it’s ready and eat as much as you like. So tasty and only for £6 approximately. Beer can be ordered too. One of the best (and cheapest!) meals in Sri Lanka.

  • en

    Rebecca Jenkinson


    Delicious and healthy food! We had a buffet meal here and were super impressed. We didn’t book upfront but were lucky to get one of the few remaining tables on the top floor. The buffet is served on the floor below, so it’s a good idea to book upfront and arrive early, so you have first attack at the food. They did bring out additional bowls however as the dishes ran out, so it’s not a problem if you end up at the back of the queue. The owner was lovely, very welcoming and talkative. The food was so delicious and it’s great value for money. I would highly recommend eating here during your stay in Kandy!!!!

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