Silachetiya (Kujjatissa) Stupa i Anuradhapura

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Sri LankaSilachetiya (Kujjatissa) Stupa


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Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94
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Latitude: 8.3514023, Longitude: 80.399727

kommentar 4

  • Anoma Jayaratne

    Anoma Jayaratne


    The stupa called Silachetiya (Sila Chetiya) is also known as Kujjatissa Stupa since this has been associated with a bikku by the same name who is said to have had miraculous powers. According to the information board installed by the Department of Archaeology, it is believed that this stupa has been built during the period king Saddhatissa (137 – 119 BC). The Chronicles of Mahavamsa and the Manorathapurani identifies this stupa as Sila Chethiya. According to Manorathapurani, when the bikku Kujjatissa passed away, the body has levitated and moved to the location of Sila Chetiya and performed miracles. The existing structure has architectural features of late Anuradhapura period. The maps drown in the 19th century by Major Skinner also identifies this stupa as Sila Chetiya.

  • Chatura Taranga

    Chatura Taranga


  • SAN Programming

    SAN Programming


    Good minds

  • en

    uditha dayal


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