Spice Coast i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSpice Coast



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39/1, Marine Drive, 00400, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 593 969
internet side: www.spicecoastcolombo.com
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Latitude: 6.888333, Longitude: 79.854469

kommentar 5

  • Sanchitha Silva

    Sanchitha Silva


    Amazing food, good prices but sketchy portion sizes. If you ask for 2 portion they bring you what looks like 1.25 portions. Also fruit juices are a rip off

  • Ishara Ruchiranga

    Ishara Ruchiranga


    Food amd service not worthy for the price.

  • en



    Superb food. Good place for Indian foods. If you need a great experience in spiecy food ask for a Fried Noodle with Malaya Style. It"s taste and supper spicy.

  • Parameshwaran Samy™

    Parameshwaran Samy™


    Value for money, good portion sizes. Take-away is available too. Good Biriyani! Place isn't fancy. They do tend to get pretty packed during rush hours.

  • Nalin Kariyawasam

    Nalin Kariyawasam


    This is a small restaurant on the Marine Drive in Colombo. Ambience is good and the food is GREAT. Authentic Indian Food both veg and non-veg. The mutton dishes is simply great. A great place for a quick business lunch as the service is really fast.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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