Sri Charikarama Maha Viharaya i North Central Province

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSri Charikarama Maha Viharaya


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Nellikulama, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 254 920 025
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Latitude: 8.3776631, Longitude: 80.3367767

kommentar 5

  • Navod Dhamishka

    Navod Dhamishka


    Beautiful and a calm place.

  • Dushan Kaushalya

    Dushan Kaushalya


    Beautiful temple with 500 statues. Lord Buddha first of that. And also beautiful cave.

  • Venika Ekanayake

    Venika Ekanayake


    Nice calm and quiet environment. Over 500 statues of Budda and other rahath monks

  • chameera madushan

    chameera madushan


    In 2000, Rev.Saddharansi purchased a ten acre-jungle land ten kilometers north of Anuradhapura town, at Nelli Kulama, on the way to Vilachchiya. Our Nayaka Thero had a dream to create an open air monastery with idols or colourful images erected in the open environment; the construction was commenced on 26.03.2005. It is worth to make a note here; all what our Nayaka thero had earned working as a Teaching Instructor was spent for this construction and many other hurdles came up while the construction work was going on. But Rev.Saddharansi was energetic to overcome all the challenges that he was determined to make his dream a reality. Our Nayaka Thero wished to take the third visit of Buddha to {Kelaniya) Sri Lanka as the theme to make this temple where Buddha himself toured on foot with a retinue of five hundred monks. As we look around in this forestry park; this divine vision, comes to life that divine vision takes us back to the days of Buddha. Since the day it was opened, a vast crowd flocks into this place; even foreigners come to see this and admire the new concept introduced by Rev.Saddharansi. It is not an easy task to maintain five hundred statues erected in the open environment, exposed to sun and rain. Every year, after the rainy season, all the statue should be scraped and re-painted, for that each statue needs Rs.5000/- Here we need your Helping Hand; you too can contribute for this meritorious deed. Another great humanitarian project is in progress in the same premises that a Pirivena School has been started to teach and train monks to flourish Theravada Buddhism here and abroad; about fifty residential monks stay there. One day they would convey the message of Buddha to the world and continue the mission launched by our Nayaka Thero. This temple is known far and wide as Pilima Panseeye Pansala or the Temple of Five hundred Statues.

  • Humanity Manussakama

    Humanity Manussakama


    Nice Buddhist temple which is situated in sri Lanka with full of Buddha statues.

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