Sterling Auto City i Western Province

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Sri LankaSterling Auto City



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Kamel Watta, Aluthapola, Dunagaha, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 283 350
internet side:
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Latitude: 7.2115182, Longitude: 79.9687529

kommentar 5

  • Dinesh Samarasingha

    Dinesh Samarasingha


    Great after care service for you vehicle. Great place.

  • Dinuwan Tharaka

    Dinuwan Tharaka


    Good after care service for your vehicle. Good for accedent repairs and services.

  • Prasanna Perera

    Prasanna Perera


    Systematically organised place with modern equipments to service and repair vehicles except wheel alignment. They give away services to other customers who don't have sterling warranty for their vehicles irrespective of their vehicle makes and models. This place is located just passing the Alutapala Juction toward Dunagaha in very quiet area. Since they under go limited number of vehicles you have to get an early appointment for your service from their head office at Kadawata over the phone. They also have certain vehicle parts and accessories too. They also have few branches.

  • Lahiru Shanthadewa

    Lahiru Shanthadewa


    Good place for quality vehicle service. All are in perfect order. Reception and paper work is much convenient. Great customer care. Surrounding area is calm. Customer lobby is in good condition. Takes about 3 - 4 hours for service. So it is better if they have a small cafeteria for customers also. Overall satisfied with the service.




    A prestigious and top quality car service in Minuwangoda town. Everything is in perfect order. The reception and the paperwork is much convenient. Customer lobby is in good condition with clean washrooms and a coffee machine. The surrounding area is calm and bit away from the busyness of the town. Overall this place deserve 5 stars.

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