Suit & Tie i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSuit & Tie



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103, Isipathana Mawatha, 00500, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 081 933
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.888251, Longitude: 79.869286

kommentar 5

  • en

    Craig Norris


    The quality for the price is excellent the service they offer and a friendly helpful advice is worth going to see them! I had one issue which they rectified I would recommend using these guys for your next wedding Totally professional Cheers guys!

  • en

    Taranga Dinesh


    Wow! I loved the experience. Solids suits and fabric. The service was absolutely awesome. Felt like home. Keep it up suit & tie

  • Marc Mendis

    Marc Mendis


    Great place to get your suits done, got 4 suits made for my grooms and they turned out well, Roshan and team helped me with choosing the materials and colour palette. Well tailored suits, you get a high quality product at a price. will use them again.

  • Muditha Katuwawala

    Muditha Katuwawala


    Friendly staff and very helpful. The prices were high. The ties were expensive too. The quality of the work is good. No parking and it's a bit tricky to find the place..

  • Sandun Mendis

    Sandun Mendis


    Good suits to your fit. Quality suits with a professional friendly staff. Very helpful to achieve your requirements. They do all the customizations without any additional cost. Prices are reasonable compared to what you get as a quality product.

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