Suncity Travels & Tours (Pvt) Ltd i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaSuncity Travels & Tours (Pvt) Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

7-1/4 A, Orchard Complex,, Galle Road, Colombo 00600, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 555 559
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.879096, Longitude: 79.860075

kommentar 3

  • en

    Dave Clark


    Worst Service ever, imtiaz is not a good person to do business with. Booked a holiday but they dint issue the tickets and kept the money. dont book with them ! worse customer service

  • en

    Ajantha Perera


    Thank you Dave for your honesty, i heard such thing about this agency as well. The agency is in debt to most of the well known hotels in the county. I can see their level of customer service by how they have responded to your comment. The authorities should take action on such cheap agency. Apart from the agency, Imthiaz it self has a proven track record of being a negative person for business. There are many things about him. I'm also in the hotel industry in Lanka and have heard things about him and this company. We have been advised that by the hotels governing body of the country that all transactions with Suncity should be closely monitored since they could run away with your money at any time and have been told not to issue any product with out receiving payments. If this could happen to a hotel, then no doubt it could happen to You!!! BE AWARE!

  • hajara haris

    hajara haris


    Great and Friendly Service.

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