Sunrise Palace Negombo i මීගමුව

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Sri LankaSunrise Palace Negombo


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No.97/a, Pillewa Road, Dalupotha, මීගමුව 11500, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 377 7687
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Latitude: 7.2262432, Longitude: 79.8538658

kommentar 5

  • Terry Donovan

    Terry Donovan


    I stayed here for one night, such a lovely little place. The room was really clean, comfortable bed, nice and cool air conditioning. They made me a delicious breakfast in the morning and anything I needed they were there to help. Such nice, friendly people, I left in a tuc tuc with a smile on my face. Highly recommended

  • Mikael Ohlson

    Mikael Ohlson


    The owner and his wife and kids are super friendly, and made us feel right at home. The rooms are big and spacious, the bed comfortable, and the bathroom very clean. They serve an amazing breakfast, and can on request serve dinner. We arrived late, so opted for that. Best decision this entire trip! The owner also knows a very friendly driver if you need to get about.

  • Martijn Knopert

    Martijn Knopert


    Great place, nice people and quality room. Perfect for first or last night before or after flight.

  • Maarten van den Dungen

    Maarten van den Dungen


    Great place in negombo to eat after getting off the plane in Sri Lanka. Negombo is alot nearer to the airport so transfer to the hotel is easy. The owner picked us up on New year's Eve at 10pm and showed us around negombo the next day. The main attraction are the beach, the lagoon and the 1000 churches in what is sometimes called Little Rome. The room was spacious and clean. The breakfast was great and all in all it's a place I'd definitely stay again

  • Simon M

    Simon M


    We were picked up from the airport and it's a great place to start your trip. The room was very clean and a good size, and very helpful owners advised us when planning our onward journey. It's quiet as not on the main strip so you can get a good night's sleep, but you can get a tuk-tuk to the centre easily. Highly recommended!

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