Surathura Herbal Garden i Palapathwela

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Sri LankaSurathura Herbal Garden


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No 3, Thotagamuwa,, Palapathwela, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 662 224 522
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Latitude: 7.5121938, Longitude: 80.6225524

kommentar 5

  • Vidu Gayan

    Vidu Gayan


    Good service

  • Mr_M Walker

    Mr_M Walker


    Very expensive We tried a few of the products, none of them did what they told us they would. Note that regulated government Herbal are available elsewhere. Government regulated places actually have big signs out side displaying their government certificates.

  • Ahmed Shaaban

    Ahmed Shaaban


    DON'T GO ever, whatever the driver says DON'T GO. It is a big SCAM and all they want os money. They tell you it's free to listen but then ask for tips. Read all the reviews on trip advisor, unfortunately I read them after I bought some over priced items.

  • Laith Joseph

    Laith Joseph


    We made a quick stop there, very friendly on arrival they did service us with really nice tea. We didn't stay there long but they did talk us through what they do and how they use the herbs to help people. Good experience but not really my cup of tea

  • Andrey Klinger

    Andrey Klinger


    The tour by the guide showed various trees and spices and was very interesting. We took with a grain of salt the healing claims of various ingredients. The tour itself is free and at the end the guide asks for a voluntary donation. We donated since the tour was good. Then we were taken to the gift shop. Everything there is very overpriced, but we still bought some things. Then we ate at the restaurant (a buffet) which was OK. Overall it was a nice experience, and we don't feel scammed like other TripAdvisor reviewers.

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