Taj Samudra i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaTaj Samudra



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25, Galle Face Center Road, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 446 622
internet side: taj.tajhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.922633, Longitude: 79.846852

kommentar 5

  • Mohan Fernando

    Mohan Fernando


    Lovely 5 star hotel commanding a unique location opposite the Galle Face Green. Re furbished a few years back its ambiance is on. Par with 5 star expectations. Great rooms with comfortable amenities. The restaurants include the coffee shop, Indian, Crab Factory and Chinese cuisines. If I were to pick one to dine at, I would go for the Indian cuisine which generally never fails to please. The Galle Face Hotel also faces a heritage building which is used for events.

  • Subhabrata roy

    Subhabrata roy


    The position of this hotel in fantastic specially sea facing rooms. And the other ambience is also up to the mark. Food quality is good but need to improve the variety.

  • ayushi shukla

    ayushi shukla


    The breakfast is pretty extensive and good at this hotel. Also proximity to places to visit is there. Dutch hospital is pretty close and conveyance is available easily from here. The beach is bang opposite to the hotel so you can just step out for a brilliant sunset view. Hotel staff is nice and the rooms are good too.

  • en

    Deepak Jaisingh


    We had a wonderful experience here. On the beach, view was good. Being Indian hotel chain, we being Indian we got the food as per our taste. The staff were very good and service was excellent. During our stay, it was my daughter's birthday, through passport details they checked and the staff wished her birthday with a complimentary cake. It was a beautiful thought from them.

  • en

    Menaka Dharma


    Had a great stay in the Taj club room with ocean view. We were there for my brothers wedding. The view was gorgeous even though it was marred by the land reclamation that is going on the Colombo shore line. The service was great and the staff at the pool, health club and executive lounge were amazing. There is more choice for breakfast in the restaurant than in the executive room, however the view and the privacy makes up for it. They also allowed us to bring members of the bridal party into the club room to have some pre drinks.

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