The River Edge i Kaduwela

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaThe River Edge


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157, Kaduwela Road, 10640, Kaduwela, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 713 4576
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.9377958, Longitude: 79.9774539

kommentar 5

  • Capt. Don K.C Samarakkody

    Capt. Don K.C Samarakkody


    Location is very convenient. Recently I happened to visit again for another small get together. The river side location we had pre booked with advanced payment was allocated for a kids birthday party. We were given only an open area which we were very disappointed. Later on after notifying some staff, a decent place in the main hut was arranged for us. Food and serving was good. Toilet faucets did not have water running but the flushing was functional.

  • Ashan Kanishka De Alwis

    Ashan Kanishka De Alwis


    The place has improved alot now. The atmoshphere and the environment looks really tidy and they look great. Best for get-togathers and birthday parties. The food is fine but plenty of room to improve, the service needs alot of training and improvement. They had to be called and asked to serve water to the tables, to collect the plates when people are done these are basic things these places should do. Plenty of parking space. With some improvement this place has so much potential to be a good upscale location.

  • en

    Rohan Silva


    Excellent environment for banking needs! Neat & tidy, less crowded + friendly & knowledgeable counter staff

  • en

    Prasanga Abeykoon


    Lovely location. Management needs improve the quality of the Foods. Nice place to hang out for adults. Edge of the hotel not safe for Kids because of the river.

  • Buddhika Warnakulasooriya

    Buddhika Warnakulasooriya


    Great hotel. Beautiful surroundings. But dinner was not good.

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