The Vegan Kitchen By Sulo (Pre Orders Only) i Boralassgamuwa

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Sri LankaThe Vegan Kitchen By Sulo (Pre Orders Only)



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50/1 Old Kesbawa Road, Boralassgamuwa, Boralassgamuwa 10290, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 352 6201
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Latitude: 6.8516585, Longitude: 79.8976333

kommentar 5

  • Sathya baman

    Sathya baman


    It's a great place. they give compliments to

  • Trop G

    Trop G


    If you're Sri Lankan and vegan, this is THE place to visit. Everything here is vegan - so be at ease when ordering food because your experiences with the 'vege-friendly' places may tempt to ask questions about the menu and its ingredients. But fear not! This a 100% VEGAN quirky little place with two lovely people running the show. Also don't forget to try the coconut passion fruit nice cream - it is SCRUMPTIOUS 😋

  • Bhanuka Vidanapathirana

    Bhanuka Vidanapathirana


    i want to give you five stars because you are the only one who felt for us vegetarians and vegans. i am so glad that u are trying out this risky buisness of making vegan stuff. i liked the vegan cakes. i hope u can improve on them. try serving some of them more fresh. i like the hot chocolate very much. i believe it was a complete dairy free substance. wish u guys all the best and keep going. wana come back again. by the was parking is a bit of a hassle and the price is a bit to the high side. i dont mind. the service is super and the people are so lovely and polite. keep up the good work.

  • en

    Olivia Price


    I want to give them 5 stars because theyre just such sweet people, but this restaurant is having a hard time getting off of its feet. There are about 8 people in the tiny kitchen at one time, and its chaotic–orders are forgotten, misunderstood, etc. The food is lovely though. Give them a chance! If you go, stick around and talk to the owners and people who work/volunteer there. They're all wonderful and I think the organization will come after a couple of months of operating. If you love yourself try the chocolate mug cake, its unreal. I think some of the dishes would be better if they didn't try so hard to imitate nonvegan food. For example, the vegan BLT would be great if it was advertised as a barbecued tofu sandwich. If you're expecting bacon, though, you'll be disappointed.

  • Karina Khudaverdyan

    Karina Khudaverdyan


    This is a brand new place in Colombo. Really nice place with home atmosphere and a very tasty food. The variety of food is great! You have to try their home made cashew cheese.

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