The Waffle Inc. i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaThe Waffle Inc.



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57, Vinayalankara Mawatha, 01000, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 753 8494
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Latitude: 6.9217556, Longitude: 79.8641128

kommentar 5

  • Nuwangi Gunawardana

    Nuwangi Gunawardana


    I couldn't decide between kottu or waffles so I ordered a "waffle kottu" (which is photographed here) It is said to be an iconic dish done by @TheWaffleInc. For Rs.400 it was totally worth it because it had more chicken than waffles 😎

  • Thilina Hewagama

    Thilina Hewagama


    That’s really awesome experience. Tasty waffles & worth the price.

  • Ranga Somaweera

    Ranga Somaweera


    Love tye concept. Parking is the main problem. Good selection of foods, served hot. Almost all tye dishes are below Rs.500 - dedicated smoking area with contemporary architecture. Good value for money place.

  • Dhananjaya Gunathilaka

    Dhananjaya Gunathilaka


    They serve some great waffle and ice cream combination menu. The waffle Inc. located at The Food Station, Colombo. The place is not a luxurious place. But It's a clean and good place.

  • chirath samaraweera

    chirath samaraweera


    Tasty & relatively cheap waffles that can be ordered with both savoury and sweet toppings. The half-waffle which comes with ice cream(vanilla or chocolate) costs 150 LKR and is perfect as a light dessert after your main course which you will probably have at one of the other small eateries at "the food station". I did not try the savoury waffles but you can't go wrong with any of the sweet toppings.

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