Thilakma i Mahabage

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaThilakma



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588, Negombo Road, Mahabage, Gampaha, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 222 2226
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Latitude: 7.0216868, Longitude: 79.899465

kommentar 5

  • Nirosh Pathirana

    Nirosh Pathirana


    Good place to buy a big range of items, clothing, electrical and electronic items, glass ware, ornaments etc

  • en

    Hasitha Chamara


    Endum ganna kiyapu place ekak thamai. loku podi hemotama ekama thenakin ganna puluwan hema deyakma. Endum vitharak newei. Stationery, Kids toys, Kitchen acssorice. Wage godak dewal ekama thenakin ganna puluwan. Beauty items ehema ganna puluwan.

  • Damith Milan

    Damith Milan


    All in one place for buying clothes, ornaments, toys and electronic items. Nice selection.

  • Shafraz Azeez

    Shafraz Azeez


    This is the best place in this area to purchase Cloths, Ornaments, Gift items, Toys, Shoes and other house hold materials. They pretty much have it all. Parking here is no problem at all, unless it's during the festive season then it gets a bit crowded but they still find alternative places for you to park. The prices of everything here is pretty reasonable They didn't have changing rooms before now they have added those too. So there is nothing much to complain about now. There is a small Food Joint and Juice Bar on the ground floor which serves fairly good food. And with the Keels in Thilakma City it makes this a one stop for pretty much everything.

  • george jayaweera

    george jayaweera


    From clothing to ornaments from toys to tools Thilakma City has it all. While having only hand picked items imported, we ensure quality at a price beyond competition. Its a city worth a visit.

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