TONI & GUY Sri Lanka i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaTONI & GUY Sri Lanka



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80A, Ward Place, 00700, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 675 555
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Latitude: 6.9150925, Longitude: 79.8741872

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maureen Hess


    Clean and friendly but they aren’t good at listening. Had an appointment with Sisira this afternoon and despite me thoroughly explaining what I wanted, he cut off way more than he was supposed to. He even said “so about ½ an inch?” And then proceeded to chop 3 inches off my layers. I noticed immediately but what can you do when the cut has already been made? I of course confronted him about it and his response was basically that he liked his idea better. I was not pleased with him and I hate how short the layers are. He also lurked around the cashier when I was paying, not to offer a discount on his mistake, but presumably to wait for a tip. I did not give him one as he did not give me what I asked for.

  • Cyrus Viccaji

    Cyrus Viccaji


    Very good stylists. A bit pricey - but in line with Toni and Guy in the region. Do be careful buying their products. I bought a peppermint treatment conditioner that didn't give me the tingling the sensation it should have- as per what it felt like when they gave me the pre-cut wash. Did I get the product wrong? Or was it expired/stale?

  • en

    Miriam Mena


    Sisira was amazing. I showed him a picture of the cut I wanted and he was successful. Will definitely return to him to upkeep my new style. Not to mention the place is super welcoming.

  • Sasitha Madushanka

    Sasitha Madushanka


    Nice friendly staff and calm environment. I went there to get a haircut. Didn't had much idea of what will suit for me but the staff was very helpful on deciding what should be done. The work is perfect. Plus the products they use are branded.

  • Jehan Mahaliyanage

    Jehan Mahaliyanage


    I would highly recommend this place. Very relaxing, respectful and staff goes above and beyond. Getting tea and a kiss chocolate added a cherry on top for the great service. Well done guys. I will definitely visit you guys once again when I come back from Aus.

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