Vietnam Embassy i කොළඹ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaVietnam Embassy



🕗 åbningstider

No. 30/5, Ward Place, 7, කොළඹ 00700, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 696 050
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 6.9159942, Longitude: 79.8679588

kommentar 5

  • Subhani Dharmasena

    Subhani Dharmasena


    Very Easy visa procedure. No queues at all. For tourist visa you only need to submit your hotel reservation and air ticket copies with your application. You get your visa within one week.

  • Nimantha Wickremasinghe

    Nimantha Wickremasinghe


    * Limited parking space is available along the road to the embassy. * The visa process is easy but there can be unexpected delays that the embassy doesn't inform us about. * Expect surprises like them requesting to wait until 5.30 pm for the visa on the collection date even you visit the embassy at 3.00 pm and then them saying that it's not ready yet but it will be ready tomorrow. 😔 (I couldn't believe an "embassy" would do this) * It's probably worth to call and confirm the readiness of the visa on the collection date before visiting the embassy if you have a tight schedule or go in with a couple of movies or songs or books to spend the waiting time. 😂

  • Thamara Kandabada

    Thamara Kandabada


    Applying for Vietnamese visa is quite easy. Hand over their application with a passport-sized photo, your passport, copies of your hotel bookings and airline tickets. It doesn't get easier than that. The process takes about 7 days. A single entry 30-day visa costs LKR 9000 per person. I do wish their visa application was available for download on the website. Also, contrary to what Google Maps may tell you, you cannot access this place through Sukhastan Gardens. You have to take a turn right next to Coco Veranda instead, and go all the way to the end of the road, which is about 50 meters.

  • Supun Attanayake

    Supun Attanayake


    The call centre people are professional and polite. They talked in a promising manner. Call first before advancing further, don't fall into scams.

  • Sukumal Harischandra

    Sukumal Harischandra


    Services are quick and effective. Polite people.

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