Vu Resto-Bar i Colombo 5

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaVu Resto-Bar


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102, Baseline Road,, Colombo 5 00500, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 117 527 527
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Latitude: 6.883724, Longitude: 79.876257

kommentar 5

  • Dulanga sugeeth

    Dulanga sugeeth


    It's the rooftop of best western elyon. Small place. Food was great

  • Shanaka Maliyadde

    Shanaka Maliyadde


    Nice atmosphere since it's in the rooftop. but very small. Not so good looking furniture and seating arrangements was badly organized. The food was not good at all even the cocktails. I was some what ok with the service. But it ended at the end when they said they cannot give me a bill since the system has got slow. I insisted on the bill and they did give me when insisted. Their was no delay in giving the bill. Food portions were big but no taste at all. I guess for that price their are Many many more places colombo. Overall I didn't enjoy the place nor the drinks or food.

  • en

    Rizwan Ikram


    It is excellent place to eat

  • Ganganath Udawatta

    Ganganath Udawatta


    Calm and less crowded place. Good for hangouts staff is very friendly and supportive . Good view

  • Sylvester Manoj

    Sylvester Manoj


    Best place to hangout. there happy hour is superb.

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