Alankulama Family Super Complex. ආලන්කුලම i Anuradhapura

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Sri LankaAlankulama Family Super Complex. ආලන්කුලම



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Maithripala Senanayake Mawatha, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 254 924 928
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Latitude: 8.3363103, Longitude: 80.4109608

kommentar 5

  • vijai herath

    vijai herath


    Both bakery and super market at same location.. Convenient... Good Quality pastry items and meals...

  • Jayasuriya Arachchige Nalin Janaka Suraweera

    Jayasuriya Arachchige Nalin Janaka Suraweera


    Alankulama family supper is first local supper market in the Anuradhapura city. This place offer you grocery items, fruit and vegetables chiken. Next to the supper market is their own bakery and restaurant. Their for you can do your grocery shopping and have food what you want at same place. This place is open 8.00 every weekdays and close at 22.00 . If you come by own vehicle you can use their car park and walk. Specially they have their own chiken production you can have chiken parts too. Hassle free.

  • surasrilakindu herath

    surasrilakindu herath


    This is a good place to buy groceries. One of the best in the city area. It also includes dine in restaurant which is called Alankulama casserole restaurant and pastry shop. If you ask from anyone in the city about a good place to have a pastry, 90% will recommend this place. Need to improve the cleanliness though but way ahead when compared to other places.

  • Gayan Chathuranga

    Gayan Chathuranga


    There are pastry shop, hotel and food city.. Pastry shop has various delicious food.. Hotel place in first floor. We can get breakfast, lunch and dinner with buffet and take away option.. Ground floor has car parking facilities with great care.. All of above shops are self service based service..

  • Gayan T. Piyarathna

    Gayan T. Piyarathna


    A great restaurant and a bakery's shop at Anuradhapura town. It's not wrong to say it's the most popular one there. Quality food for reasonable price, good service, and accessible large vehicle park helps customer attraction to be unbeatable.

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