Cargills Food City i Anuradhapura

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Sri LankaCargills Food City



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Maithripala Senanayake Mawatha, 50000, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 252 226 042
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.3314781, Longitude: 80.4090168

kommentar 5

  • Kalhara Jayasekara

    Kalhara Jayasekara


    Good place to by your essentials. Less Parking space is the main concern for most if cargiills outlets these days.

  • Ranga Somaweera

    Ranga Somaweera


    Helpful staff is the difference I saw in Anuradhapura outlet. Parking is a little hassle but can manage. As usual the smell is not that good may be because of fish & meat items.

  • KS Education&Entertainment

    KS Education&Entertainment


    Nice place to shopping. There are many items to buy . Food City is better than others.

  • kapila dissanayaka

    kapila dissanayaka


    Very good place. buy the your choise




    Related Information Store Locator Opening Hours Cargills Food City On your way home! Cargills Food City is hands down, Sri Lanka’s largest modern retailer. Its pioneer venture into modern trade in 1983 was a unique innovation of the company’s trading legacy. Cargills Food City continued to challenge the norm by revolutionizing what was traditionally an affluent affair by offering products of a higher value for the lowest prices. Today the Cargills retail operation is scattered throughout the island and caters to the local consumers through ‘Cargills Food City’ supermarkets and ‘Cargills Food City Express’ convenience stores. Cargills Food City has been rated the 10th most valuable brand in Sri Lanka according to the Brand Finance Index ratings of 2016 with an AA+ rating. It is also the only retailer to be ranked among the top ten national brands in the country. Cargills Food city footprint has reached 329 stores covering all 24 districts of Sri Lanka.

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