Asiri Central Hospital i Colombo 10

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaAsiri Central Hospital



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114, Norris Canal Road, 01000, Colombo 10, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 665 500
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.9203993, Longitude: 79.8658784

kommentar 5

  • Sachin Chomal

    Sachin Chomal


    One of the best hospital in Sri Lanka. All leading doctors - endocrinologist, cardiologists, urologists, physicians, Gyan geologist and surgeons practice here. Well maintained rooms and wards. Staffs are friendly and nice cleaned rooms with all facilities. Room rates starts from LKR 7,000 as ward rooms. Over all everything good but billing and discharge team takes too much time for final discharge clearance. Highly recommended..

  • Chathura Wanniarachchi

    Chathura Wanniarachchi


    One of the best hospitals in the country, excellent service and they are equipped with newest medical equipments, overall the hospital service is good and can recommend. However, other than usual hospital services, they have a good cafeteria area including Fab and Burger King plus some Juice bar. Also they got few bank including BOC and Commercial Bank. Mobile reload machines are also located. They have a vision care outlet within it.

  • Gayan Ranasinghe

    Gayan Ranasinghe


    Private hospital maintained well. Kind and help full staff. Building has fair enough parking space but disorganised. Parking manage by tenaga. Customer need to spend at least 15 minute to park the vehicles.

  • Janasi Pathmananda

    Janasi Pathmananda


    One of the best hospitals in Sri Lanka which is having very kind/helpful staff. Also the way they maintain the floor and crowded area should admire.

  • en

    Pravindya Haputhanthiri


    Place was really nice, clean and price was reasonable for full body check up. Over all staff were nice except for a one lady doctor and a one radio therapist. Only these two were with a attitude. I hope some body should teach them how to treat a patient with a respect and dignity irrespective of who they are . We are just customers and we bring money to you. We are trying to get paid service to have a good service with respect and dignity. Also we are not suppose to know each and every disease. Mainly when you are checking the breath test you should have a filter there. It was not there. You should take the responsibility if we have a infection. to take a X ray we had to pass the passenger area after changing the clothes. Which is bad. They expose us twice to X ray. for a machine fault which is also risky.

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