Casino Marina Colombo i Colombo

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Sri LankaCasino Marina Colombo



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30, Colombo Plan Road, MARINE DRIVE, 00300, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 114 219 988
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Latitude: 6.906513, Longitude: 79.849951

kommentar 5

  • en

    Narasimham Ua


    Big casino in Colombo. Spacious restaurant. Good food and liquor. Nice view of sea.

  • Rahul Anand

    Rahul Anand


    The staff is courteous and the service is just about okay. The space is not very large as would be expected of big casinos. But, has many gaming oprions. Has a variety of games. For amateur gamblers like me it was a good place to give it a try. Had fun while at it.

  • Hashan malawana

    Hashan malawana


    Very luxury and colourful place closed to the sea and galle road as well.lot of rich people come here frequently.Most famous Casino center here in colombo.Most of the people love this place and appreciate their facilities and events as well.

  • Prabhakar Thennarasu

    Prabhakar Thennarasu


    Situated on a beach front, this is one of the best casinos in Sri Lanka. Though very small when compared to casinos that you see in Las Vegas, but it has standard games like Roulette, Baccarate, Poker, Black Jack, Slot machines etc. As like any other casinos, food and drink is free here. You can either order food to your table or they have a dedicated buffet area where you can have a relaxed meal.

  • Sippay



    Great Casino, free entry for foreigners all you need is passport and they let you in, If you're local you need to get membership. To stay here you must buy atleast Rs 10k /- worth chips and start playing. They have many different games like Roulette, Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat and Slot machines. They also serve free drinks and coffee for players.

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