Jims Poker Room- Marina Colombo i Colombo 03

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Sri LankaJims Poker Room- Marina Colombo



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No. 30,Marine Drive,, Colombo 03 00003, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 365 4615
internet side: www.jimspokerroom.com
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Latitude: 6.906435, Longitude: 79.84972

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Sandanam


    Jim"s poker room such a nice place to play poker, friendly and professional staff good food with quick service and the entertaining in the Marina Casino is the best absolutely it"s a winning destination.

  • en

    chathura kavinda


    Mr Jim's Poker Fabulous place.. Fantastic ambiance. Excellent hospitality

  • Sabreesh Rao

    Sabreesh Rao


    Mr Jim's Poker Room is a Classy place and one of the Best Poker Destination in the world recommended by me. They have a bigger and Better place now in Casino Marina, Colombo. Their New Manager is well Experienced and makes sure there is Fair Game Play to all players on the Table... Wonderful Experience and such caring Staff. Feel like Home... Thank You the Whole Team for My best POKER experience

  • en

    Li Jianjun


    I found it less crowded and uncomfortable not much action at the table sat on list for two hours before they opened up a cash table. I found all these good reviews on the google from their own staff. Shame on Mr.Jim.

  • en

    Ravin Sri Kantha


    Awesome place to play live poker and have fun! I definitely recommend all poker players no matter the skill level because you will have a blast! The dealers were very fun and energetic and the place is well maintained

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