Colombo Public Library i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaColombo Public Library



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15, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, 00700, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 695 156
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.912495, Longitude: 79.8589079

kommentar 5

  • Indula Pasindu

    Indula Pasindu


    A great place to study without any interruptions. Has a large variety of studying material.

  • Kehan Rajapakse

    Kehan Rajapakse


    It is a great place to read and borrow books from. It is also a very quiet place, so it would be an excellent place to study. It has a wide range of books, though it doesn't stock new arrivals quickly. But it has lots of books dating far back. It has a great outdoor area, which would be great for relaxing... and it has ample parking space. But it is closed on Wednesday's and holidays, so it's hard to get maximum use of the library.

  • Nirosh Pathirana

    Nirosh Pathirana


    A big range of books, convenience location to get knowledge from books. Bit old location

  • Ishara Dilani Kaluarachchi

    Ishara Dilani Kaluarachchi


    Hello everyone spend u'r extra time in here,read some books and use the study hall...this is a very peaceful place to read...don't waste u'r valuable time for playing mobile games,using Facebook or twittering.go get a member ship and read some books it will definitely change u'r life for best..

  • Sakuni Nisharuni

    Sakuni Nisharuni


    Contains a vast variety of books. You can even find books older than 3,4 decades. Take the membership there if you are a regular reader. You can experience a peaceful and a calm environment. Ample parking. The staff had better be more friendly.

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