Sri Lanka Medical Library i Colombo

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Sri LankaSri Lanka Medical Library



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6, Wijerama Mawatha, 00700, Colombo, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 695 188
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Latitude: 6.9158927, Longitude: 79.8686609

kommentar 1

  • Zalmi Kassier

    Zalmi Kassier


    The Sri Lanka Medical Library is the oldest medical institution in the country. It was established as the Colonial Medical Library on the 1st June 1844, less than 30 years after the fall of the Kandyan Kingdom, Throughout its long history, it has had many vicissitudes as would be expected of an institution which has survived well over a century. It is a tribute to its resilience and the tenacity of its members, both past and present, that it was able to weather many local, national and even global upheavals during its long course. The necessity of a medical library was felt when local doctors who trained in Calcutta were returning to the country. The name changed to Ceylon Medical Library in 1939. The present name Sri Lanka Medical Library was assumed in 1972 when Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka. It was originally housed in Pettah hospital and was moved to Ceylon Medical College in 1880. It was transferred to its present location Wijerama house in 1965 under the provisions of Dr. Wijerama’s deed of gift.

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