Gold Gym i Aluthgama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaGold Gym


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A2, Aluthgama, Kalutara, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 77 995 5480
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Latitude: 6.4293366, Longitude: 79.9990248

kommentar 3

  • Geneva WanderlusTayne

    Geneva WanderlusTayne


    Decent size gym, with enough equipment to do what is needed. Standard tourist price is usually 1000LKR for tourists but you can always negotiate a better price if you try. We managed to get a good deal for 2 days. Negotiation is always possible :)

  • en

    Sp Fo


    Typical basic gym without A/C in Bentota. Has what u need to get the job done, but like mostly in Sri Lanka, u have to get ripped off as a tourist. 2000 rupees for a month for locals, 1000 for a single workout for foreigners. The owner said it also clearly to me" You tourist, not local, you must pay". Up to you if u like this kind of exploitation. I refused and left.

  • en

    Udara Kaluarachchi


nærmeste Gym

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