Jayaratne Funeral Directors (Pvt) Ltd i Colombo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaJayaratne Funeral Directors (Pvt) Ltd



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Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 686 981
internet side: www.jayaratnefunerals.com
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Latitude: 6.908038, Longitude: 79.877075

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kanchana Sumanasekara


    Difficult to find parking. No Air conditioner or proper ventilator. Very warm even during night. Not a flower shop as google suggest. It's a funeral parlor.

  • Dayabaran Selliah

    Dayabaran Selliah


    Popular funeral directors, it’s situated just opposite Borella Kanatha cemetery it’s very helpful for last rights as it’s very convenient to do as it nearby, they have VIP service also, Buddhist, Catholic and Hindu funerals are held here, it’s open 24 hours and 365 days, their service was good, the staff was kind and helpful

  • Apple Herath

    Apple Herath


    One of the reputed Funereal directors in Sri lanka, Less Parking Space, Good Service..!!

  • en

    Damini Dias


    The parlor is very warm, no air conditioning. Management is not friendly towards customers. No proper place (lunch area)to eat for the people who come from far away. Not enough parking, and even for the available parking spots, some vagabonds demand money and if they are not paid, you get insulted. Services is not adequate at all for the price they charge. Both the Raymond parlous are much better in quality and customer service.

  • chathura abeywardana

    chathura abeywardana


    Best recommended and highly reputed place for funeral service!!! They have create new parlour at Bauddhaloka mawatha. Between AMW and Sampath bank. Name is "Restpect home by Jayaratne's"

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