Lassana Flora (Pvt.) Ltd i Colombo-07

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaLassana Flora (Pvt.) Ltd



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25, Wijerama Mawatha, 00700, Colombo-07, Colombo, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 112 001 122
internet side:
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Latitude: 6.9136052, Longitude: 79.870175

kommentar 5

  • en

    Felix Grau


    Plants got spoiled quite quick. The staff forces you into a purchase. Overall, not a very pleasant experience. There are better shops in Colombo

  • Jason Eardly

    Jason Eardly


    Lassana flora has always been the favourite flower shop to go to. If you miss a birthday or even an anniversary and this is your first stop get a bokeh of flowers done and take it and go under half an hour kinda place! their prices are of fair and their standards are good too.

  • Yasas Pasindu

    Yasas Pasindu


    Excellent service. Good range of products selection. Awesome thing is they deliver right on the time. I.ordered some products about 5 or 6 times. All orders delivered right on the time and nicely packed. I am very satisfied with their service.

  • Samitha Gunarathna

    Samitha Gunarathna


    I ordered a Fatal Four Way cake (3.3 lbs) online and In the item description, it's clearly mentioned that this cake contains A unique combination of cherries, strawberries, white chocolate, and milk chocolate. But the cake I received didn't have any strawberries. Instead, it did have green cherry. After I sent an email mentioning this, they have apologized and and sent me another cake which had strawberries as well.

  • Treshani Perera

    Treshani Perera


    I was so impressed at the first sight of my beautiful roses and lilies bridal bouquets and I am so thankful. The flowers turned out more beautiful than I had imagined. They were so easy to work with and great communication throughout the planning.

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