KotuweKade Shopping Centre i Matara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaKotuweKade Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

B535, Matara, Matara, LK Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 412 233 566
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Latitude: 5.9488366, Longitude: 80.5461971

kommentar 5

  • Pubudu Lakshitha

    Pubudu Lakshitha


    Great experience can buy almost anything for household needs with discounted prices.helpful staff and sufficient counters available for easy shopping.

  • Ayesh Dumindu

    Ayesh Dumindu


    There are lot of house hold items available in this store. Specialy quality Mens' womens' kids' dresses available here. Also you can buy some food items in this place.

  • Achini Jayasena

    Achini Jayasena


    Good place to shopping. Can buy stuff cheapest price. Always crowded.

  • Tobias Duske

    Tobias Duske


    Crasy place to go. If you need toys, food, clothes you will find it. Had been there one the day where the children get there new stuff for the next school year. Super crowded. For people with Handicap not so easy may sublevels.

  • Iresh Chaturanga

    Iresh Chaturanga


    A nice place for shopping, everything you need in one place. A large parking area and small children's park are advantages of this shop.

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