Mandara Resort Mirissa i Weligama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sri LankaMandara Resort Mirissa



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416 A, Mirissa, Weligama 81740, Sri Lanka
kontakter telefon: +94 412 253 993
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.9640143, Longitude: 80.4538357

kommentar 5

  • en

    Annette D'Silva


    Great location, management needs improvement, though junior staff try their best and are friendly. English needs improvement with the senior staff. Food wise, just OK.

  • Thilina Halloluwa

    Thilina Halloluwa


    Very disappointed. Can't believe this has a 4 star rating. No doubt the resort has plenty of potential with it's great view and location. But its not maintained properly. Even the air conditioning did not work properly and the unit was very old. We booked for a full board stay and surprised to find the buffet was dominated by pork which is one of the cheapest meat found in the market. So if you are not that in to Pork, better not sign up for a buffet. On a plus point, the staff were friendly enough.

  • Malaka Gayan Warnasooriya

    Malaka Gayan Warnasooriya


    Very good place... rooms and foos are good. Friendly service had been received....highly recommend...

  • en

    Sumith Weerasinghe


    Hotel location is OK. But they have bad service to drivers because dirty please to stay and charge for food. Food was very bad.

  • Indika Vithanage

    Indika Vithanage


    Earlier it was categorized as a Small Luxury Hotel. But now they are in the process of upgrading it into a resort with more rooms. Lovely set up, spacious rooms. It has a beach wing and a river view wing. Airconditioned restaurant with the bar amalgamated with pool table to hang around. Nice pool on the beach front. Customer friendly staff!

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